MatchVid of the Day: Dr.B vs Daigo (CvS2)

After winning last week’s screenshot caption contest, Fireball chose to represent CvS2 and nominated this “hilarious S-Groove Dr. B vs Daigo match from like 7 years back.” Enjoy!

players: Dr.B (S-Bison/Cammy/Sagat-2) vs Daigo (C-Sagat/Ken/Guile-2)

If you’ve never played against a solid S-Groove user before, let me tell you, it is a test of patience. There’s almost no penalty for dodging at mid-range. It’s completely invincible to attacks from beginning to end. Although it’s vulnerable to throws, you’re rarely in position to use one. The main weakness of S-Groove is its unreliable meter system. You rarely get access to a lvl3 super when you need it, and lvl1 supers are pretty terrible across the board in CvS2. Meter/lifebar management is tricky as well, because sometimes you don’t even get access to that free lvl1 super period if your opponent kills you with a lvl3 super or Custom Combo.

game: Capcom vs SNK 2 (Console)

venue: Evolution 2003

recorded on August 10th, 2003

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One Response to MatchVid of the Day: Dr.B vs Daigo (CvS2)

  1. Keiko says:

    Back in the day this match made me wanted to learn S-Groove, but it was an epic fail for me.

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