As i mentioned on day-one, i’d like to use ComboVid to spotlight exceptional strategy and technical articles produced by the fighting game community.
There are a number of talented writers out there who put considerable effort into publishing insightful pieces about all kinds of interesting topics. Whether it’s a strategy article covering a specific technique, or a technical article explaining a peculiar combo, i’d love to help you guys gain more exposure for your work.
However, the day-to-day operation of ComboVid doesn’t leave me much time to browse individual websites. Please don’t wait for me to stumble onto your article. Whenever you write something that you’d like me to consider featuring on the front page, just e-mail me the link and i’ll take a look within the next couple of days.
If the article meets my common-sense standards for referral, i’ll post the link along with a small quote and a brief overview of the subject. If there’s any reason why i can’t post your column, i’ll let you know exactly what it is so there’s no confusion or uncertainty.
My only request is that you contact me as soon as possible after publishing your article, simply because i don’t want to make a habit of posting items that are over a week old.
Thanks for reading and thanks for your support! If you have any questions whatsoever, please don’t hesitate to ask them here or by contacting me directly.
Let’s keep this area clear of article submissions. General questions only please!