Weekly Screenshot: Sistine Tackle

Whoever comes up with the best title picks the game highlighted in the next few screenshots. As always, the rules are one entry per person and i’ll choose my favorite on Tuesday.


JBA Jotaro’s stand-active j.A2 mirrors Dio’s j.A2 as his stand whiffs A1 Murdeeeeer! below. Setting up the spacing for this scene wasn’t trivial at all. It required a Tandem Attack by Dio, involving a whole bunch of whiffed moves to buy time for both characters to assume positions.

Here are some alternate variants i captured before settling on the final version above:




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22 Responses to Weekly Screenshot: Sistine Tackle

  1. onreload says:

    Left Stand Green

  2. yungxcve says:

    “Y Marks the Spot”

  3. Snatcher says:

    Stardust Gladiators.

  4. Tarnish says:

    Sistine Tackle.

  5. killweir says:

    “Stand and Deliver”

  6. Juan Fra says:

    “Wonder Twins power activate!”

  7. LJGPliskin says:

    “With our powers combined!”

  8. effullbao says:

    The Hand Strikes Four (Death)

  9. Mystyr Nile says:

    I thought this name on sight of it.
    “The Blame Game”

  10. chicobo329 says:

    “Trinity Marks the Spot”

  11. EA575 says:

    Who has the Longest Arm

  12. Maj says:

    Y Marks the Spot and Go Team Venture were both funny, but the more i thought about it, the more the Sistine Chapel reference seemed to fit. Though i admit i probably didn’t get a few of the more obscure references.

    Tarnish: Congratulations, you get to pick the featured game for the next couple snapshots. Though it has to be emulated so i can capture lossless screenshots – preferably something on CPS1, CPS2, or SNK’s MVS.

  13. Tarnish says:

    Real Bout Fatal Fury 2!

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