Comments on: “Introducing Myself” by Snoooootch Street Fighter Combos, Tutorials, Matches, Screenshots, and Strategy Guides Tue, 30 Nov 2010 08:47:57 +0000 hourly 1 By: Tigre III Tue, 30 Nov 2010 08:47:57 +0000 Yeah, thats interesting… We are working in the Zero Damage vol.3, and we also have problems with some freezes… For example, we are working with Zgief and Makoto:
Zgief does the circle ex grab (with armor) and kara cancel with U1. Makoto hits the armor of Zgief with a normal and super cancel with the Super. The Makoto´s super has whiff properties, including evade grabs ( Zgief U1 too!) So the sequence must be:
Zgief grab armor, Makoto normal hit, Zgief U1, Makoto Super. Zero Damage. But the fact is that even Makoto uses a normal hit with a frame advantage to super cancel, after the kara cancel of Zgief U1, we cant land the super…
But, of course, its possible that the stuff here is that the normal hit of Makoto is not blocked by Zgief, its absorbed, so the frame advantage maybe dissapears here… the super freeze is interesting. Try to super freeze with Hakan, some times its… strange, specially during the opponents ultra…

By: Snoooootch Wed, 17 Nov 2010 00:47:32 +0000 In reply to error1.

Yes, Akuma and Zgief have a total freeze, instead of the slow motion one. I also believe there’s certain pats in certain character’s supers where the opposing character’s super cannot be activated. I couldn’t land Fei’s Super on the frame right before Guile lands after his first flash kick of his Double Flash super. I tried it over 10 times (It was hard to time it in the first place) and only got a rekka instead of the super.

By: error1 Tue, 16 Nov 2010 22:34:33 +0000 there isn’t a standard super-freeze pause if sf4, for example I could never get the ken ultra glitch to happen during Seth’s super, It would trigger right before it but never during. And of course Akuma, Zangief have very quick super-freezes
