MrWizard – ComboVid Street Fighter Combos, Tutorials, Matches, Screenshots, and Strategy Guides Sat, 09 Oct 2010 20:00:48 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Ode to the 2-Hit Combo Sat, 09 Oct 2010 20:00:48 +0000 Continue reading ]]> Originally premiered at Evolution 2004, this video took something like two years to make. About half the clips were recorded by jchensor and about half by me, with a few outside contributions along the way. All of the editing was done by jchensor over a six-month period, since he came up with the whole premise.

SFTM Van Guile knee, SF3:3S Alex quadruple Knee Smash, SS2 Galford whiff SPD, MvC Ryu transformer combo, SSBM Ganondorf dud, SoR2 Axel/Max team-up, MvC2 lazy American combo, CvS2 Dan combo breaker, T4 Yoshimitsu stolen punch suicide, CvS2 Haohmaru swordbreaker juggle, GGXX Testament double counter, KoF2k2 Billy counter combo, MvC2 BBHood pushblock assist, SFA3 Guile air throw spike, SSF2T Bison dizzy j.LK, CvS2 Eagle/Athena __ hit reflects, CvS Dhalsim Yoga Fire sequence, MvC2 Magneto double Sonic Boom, MvC Strider bomb counter, SSF2T meaty combos, GGX Potemkin power punch, KoF98/SF3:3S flares, KoF98 assist combo, CvS Akuma fireball juggle, CvS2 wavedashing Guile, CvS2 Guile Sonic Boom Flash Kick, VF4 Kage backwards acrobatics, CvS2 Kyosuke guard cancel surprise, SF3:3S Sean Hadou Burst variations, CvS2 lvl2 cancel extended juggles, MvC2 Dan contributing nothing, XSF Cammy full combo, 3-Hit Combo teaser, and SF3:3S Makoto impressing the announcer

combos by jchensor, Maj, MrWizard, and zEvil

edited by jchensor

Super Smash Bros. Melee – Fountain of Dreams
Chicago Soundtrack – Roxie’s Suite (djchensor Edit)
The Black Mages – Clash on the Big Bridge (djchensor Edit)
Star Wars A New Hope Soundtrack – Cantina Band
Kill Bill Vol. 1 Soundtrack – Don’t Let Me Be Misunderstood (djchensor Instrumental Remix)
Mono Puff – Guitar Was the Case
Big Bad Voodoo Daddy – The Boogie Bumper (djchensor Edit)

transcript and explanations:

originally debuted on August 1st, 2004 at Evo2k4

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