KoF2k2UM Kasumi Bug Tutorial by K’rows

K’rows is back with another King of Fighters 2002 Unlimited Match glitch tutorial revolving around Kasumi’s counter specials. Once again it’s explained step by step in Korean – so if anyone can translate, that would be really helpful.

It seems that triggering Kasumi’s counters with certain attacks allows you to cancel out and continue the combo. However, the exact requirements and limitations of the bug are unclear.

gameplay and editing by K’rows (of the group KCA)

released yesterday, November 15th, 2010

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4 Responses to KoF2k2UM Kasumi Bug Tutorial by K’rows

  1. moonburn says:

    I can translate again. Give me a few hours to sober up (had foot surgery this AM and am still a little drugged up) and I’ll post it.

  2. moonburn says:

    Sorry for the delay, fell asleep. My feet are pretty much trashed already from distance running, martial arts, and Army life in general. Arthritis in addition to http://www.foothealthfacts.org/footankleinfo/hallux-rigidus.htm. I had this same surgery in 2008 on the other foot. Hopefully they’ll both be good for a few years now! It did go well, thanks!

    Again, I am unfamiliar with the KoF series, so I don’t know the names of all the mechanics, etc. Im sure you can figure out what I’m talking about. ^^ Without further ado, the translation:

    Dragon Fist Cutting Stroke (DFCS, Move name, unsure of hanja so i guessed). Close range 632146 + LP/SP. The key to the VS Kasumi bug.

    If Kasumi performs her DFCS during any of your supers, Max, or Max2 Super, and you strike through for a counter hit, all moves that hit can be BC cancelled. AB (Roll) cancels are also possible.

    While the bug is active, the technique for inputting hits can also change. As you can see, Ralf’s Max Super finishing motion doesn’t come out. Other characters’ supers and MAX/MAX2 Supers are also changed. The damage of partial/cancelled moves increases rapidly, but there are also cases where it decreases.

    • Maj says:

      Thank you sir, that helps a lot. Hopefully some of our SNK friends will find it useful as well.

      Strange that it affects damage scaling, but then again i probably shouldn’t expect glitches to be well-behaved.

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