Reanimation CMV by Aldevaran

It’s been a while since we’ve had an oldschool King of Fighters megavideo released. Aldevaran and Siedler Pompiani have revived the tradition with this ten-minute combovid featuring KoF96 through KoF2003, with a few guest authors providing an intermission segment.

KoF98 Kyo j.D+HP beatdown at 0:53, KoF2k1 Angel multicross circus at 3:35, KoF99 Kyo Galactica Phantom setups at 8:21, and KoF2k2 Maxima training mode counterhit exploit at 9:03

if you like this video:
Head over to Aldevaran’s channel and subscribe for more King of Fighters combos.

combos by Aldevaran, B. Mandy, Diez, Marziano, Siedler Pompiani, Imouto, and Maiden Masher

edited by Siedler Pompiani

released today, January 14th, 2011

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2 Responses to Reanimation CMV by Aldevaran

  1. chicobo329 says:

    I love watching KOF videos like this because there always seems to be a new bug exploit that I haven’t seen before! It leads to a lot of creativity.

    I notice this video utilizes the KOF ’99 Prototype ROM (such as at 4:08), which is something I haven’t seen in a combo video before. I happen to own it myself, it has some peculiar changes and a weird slightly unfinished user interface. You can tell which clips use it from the black top-shaded combo counter text and the missing ‘P’ and ‘W’ from the ‘Pow’ meter.

  2. Maj says:

    Too bad Vimeo hates video games. I’ll update the embed code above when they provide me with a u2b link. This is the only alternative until then:

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