Can the A3/CvS2 king defend his crown against the talented K-Groove specialist? Somehow both of these guys showed up to London for a multi-game tournament and met in the finals.
players: D44-Bas (A-Sakura/Blanka/Bison-2)
vs Ino (A-Blanka/Sakura/Bison-2 and K-Cammy/Blanka/Sagat-2)
For some reason, Ino decides to start off with an A-Groove team against Bas, which doesn’t work out too well. Then he switches back to his main K-Groove team and pulls off a remarkable comeback against what should’ve been a losing matchup. A few major things have to go his way, such as A-Blanka wasting his meter and getting dizzy at 3:39 instead of killing K-Cammy and neutralizing her meter – but it’s still a solid, gutsy win any way you look at it.
game: Capcom vs SNK 2 (Console)
venue: Absolution 2k4 – Grand Finals
recorded on April 18th, 2004