SSF4AE2012 Combo Video by Snoooootch

This has to be one of the most entertaining combovids i’ve seen in a while, especially in contrast with desk’s Playing Street Fighter video released a couple of days prior. I can’t really explain it, but i enjoyed watching it; maybe because i can relate to everything on the bottom right.

SSF4AE2012 Fei Long triple Focus Attack at 0:32, Akuma surprise standing fierce at 2:21, Ken double-dash combo at 3:08, and Dan 80-minute combo at 3:20

if you like this video:
Head over to Snoooootch’s channel and subscribe for more SSF4AE2012 videos.

combos and editing by Snoooootch

soundtrack: AxSoul – Beta-Nameless

released yesterday, January 12th, 2012

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5 Responses to SSF4AE2012 Combo Video by Snoooootch

  1. SofaKingAC says:

    I have a feeling that after seeing this vid people are gonna start doing more “floor combos”.

  2. CPS2 says:

    LOL @ dropping the controller on the floor in frustration :D

    • Snoooootch says:

      Haha, I honestly got frustrated at a lot of things that would not work because dhalsim kept falling out, so I decided to highlight that. There are times when I cursed, but I made sure not to put those instances up in the video.

    • Battousai says:

      LMAO I know that feeling

  3. Maj says:

    This has to be the Vid of the Week for 01.09.2012, right?

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