Comments on: WakeUp SRK Interviews desk Street Fighter Combos, Tutorials, Matches, Screenshots, and Strategy Guides Thu, 24 Feb 2011 10:54:11 +0000 hourly 1 By: onreload Thu, 24 Feb 2011 10:54:11 +0000 Good interview, Desk. Were you nervous? You were definitely a good interviewee, had nice, detailed answers, no dead air, etc. A good listen, for sure. I thought Keits makes a good point about how, with music performance, you can learn a part by slowing it down, but the visual connection with videogames…it makes it impossible. One of the things that definitely proved to me that your musical and input skills were linked was the first promo you did for Calcius Repton, where you’re tapping the buttons on some 3-button stick the same way you would for 2-hand-tapping on a bass. Makes me jealous of the bass skill, probably more than fighting game inputs.

Also, you must be loving how many people are like “What? He’s from the UK?”
