Premiered yesterday at Wednesday Night Fights, this Super Street Fighter IV Arcade Edition combovid explores the majority of the game’s roster with tool-assistance and extreme creativity.
SSF4AE Fei Long random s.HP juggle at 0:10, Abel ultra super dizzy combo at 0:40, Dudley dizzy juggle at 1:42, SF? Ryu Exhibition remake at 2:25, and Yun backwards Genei Jin at 3:47
if you like this video:
Head over to Smileymike’s channel and subscribe for more PC SSF4AE combos.
Head over to Snoooootch’s channel and subscribe for more console SSF4AE combos.
combos by Smileymike101 and Snoooootch
edited by Snoooootch
soundtrack: Jason Ramirez – Shirt Ripper
debuted yesterday, September 21st, 2011 at Wednesday Night Fights: Arcade Edition
Incredible! Loved the Ken combo at 3:00 and the Dan double dash at 3:57.
Loved the use of the Yang U1 glitch to disappear, the backwards Yun shoulders, the SF? Ryu tribute, the crazy sagat/adon combo, ken’s triple air tatsu..etc. etc..and shoutouts to smileymike for making good use of TA with the post KO hits!
Making this the Vid of the Week for 09.19.2011!
That first combo is too good – a great opening scene.
Thanks! That Fei combo is my favorite too!