Comments on: The Dr. Sub-Zero Show – Episode 1, Part 5 Street Fighter Combos, Tutorials, Matches, Screenshots, and Strategy Guides Mon, 01 Nov 2010 10:04:58 +0000 hourly 1 By: Maj Mon, 01 Nov 2010 10:04:58 +0000 It doesn’t offend me personally; especially knowing that he was just trying to get a few cheap laughs and meant no harm.

Just seems like a very shortsighted attitude. Meaning if we all act like our entire community is made up of adolescent males, that’s what it’ll become/stay. I mean this stuff clearly represents a part of the fighting game scene, but i don’t want anyone to think that it represents the majority.

In other words if Rockefeller was asking me those questions, i’d look just as uncomfortable as Renic did. (And if i was involved in producing the show, i probably would’ve voted against releasing that 3-minute segment. It’s not even that funny.)

By: Bob Sagat Mon, 01 Nov 2010 08:38:22 +0000 Oh c’mon Maj, it’s just a lil’ ol’ bit o’ porn talk.
