I guess these matches took place mid-way through SF4’s reign, when Sagat vs Dhalsim was emerging as a common matchup as people looked for ways to deal with Sagat’s dominance.
players: FilipinoChamp (Dhalsim) vs Haunts (Sagat)
In case it’s not totally clear yet, i’m a big fan of ghetto full-screen combos like the one at 0:51. Sagat throws an EX High Tiger Shot through Dhalsim’s Yoga Fire and it connects once, then he throws an HK Low Tiger Shot and it juggles. It’s kind of ridiculous that they gave that move juggle potential without meter cost, but it certainly leads to some cool surprise combos. I also like the way the second round ends at 1:40. That’s just plain mean.
game: Street Fighter IV (Console)
venue: Casual Set
recorded on October 18th, 2009
I really like at 2:54 where The CHamp teleports right infront of sagat right after Sagat chunked a fireball. The mix up that followed the super was great.
Look at the weird angle on Sim during Sagat’s Ultra startup at the end of round 2. Obviously they placed him like that to make his pose read nicer in the normal 2d perspective, but when the camera turns around like that the aim on his Yoga Fire is completely off.
Wow, you’re right. Very perceptive you are. . .