Comments on: X-Men vs Street Fighter Combo Video Vol.1 by izumojin Street Fighter Combos, Tutorials, Matches, Screenshots, and Strategy Guides Tue, 12 Jul 2011 14:06:13 +0000 hourly 1 By: wolverine-master Tue, 12 Jul 2011 14:06:13 +0000 In reply to AquaTeamV3.

Its not a 1-frame link and the other character can be blocking, they’ll still get fucked up.
How it works:
Get a completed special move or limb outside of the screen before the character comes in.

How to do it:
1) Killing a character with a throw puts you in a special state that allows you to “superjump” after killing them…(otherwise, you cant superjump or do special moves until the 2nd character comes in.) The weird superjump puts you at the perfect height to stick a limb out.
2) Doublejump characters can do this easy. Kill the character then double jump.
Cyclops – lp, hp
Chun Li – lk, mk, hk
Cammy – lk, hk
Sabertooth – lp….he cant doublejump but he is the tallest in the game, so he doesnt need one.
3) Free falling: kill the character with a super that ends in the air. While falling stick a limb out…lol.
Charlie – flashkick super
Cammy – cannon drill super
4) Flight: just be at the right height after you kill them
Storm, magneto

By: n00b_saib0t Sun, 10 Jul 2011 01:41:51 +0000 If we’re talking the sheer hilarity of the brokenness, I’m gonna have to cast my vote for XvSF. I just laugh watching some of this stuff, its so awesome. COTA undoubtedly broken, arguably more so, but I don’t feel like hilarity ensues when I press play.

By: AquaTeamV3 Sun, 10 Jul 2011 00:36:42 +0000 I’ve always wondered what was up with them letting you hit a character that’s replacing a dead one (see: last combo). Is it like a 1-frame link or something? I’ve seen this in actual matches, too, so I’ve always been curious if the other guy just wasn’t blocking or something.
