Continue? Episode 7 by Chubby Boy Films

Sadly, the Matador fundraising campaign wasn’t a success, as some of you might have noticed. The third episode of Continue? is basically Greg and Brett’s reaction to the end of that venture, but it’s good to see them taking the news in stride.

Seriously though, Matador would’ve been awesome! You guys don’t know what you passed up, but i suppose it wasn’t meant to be. I can only hope that Chubby Boy Productions gets an opportunity to make the film a reality someday, because the script they showed me was outstanding.

If you’re enjoying this series and want it to continue beyond 10 episodes, please take a minute to show your support by subscribing to their u2b channel or following @ChubbyBoyFilms on twitter.

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5 Responses to Continue? Episode 7 by Chubby Boy Films

  1. CPS2 says:

    Did they ask Capcom? They have that 500k but it doesn’t all need to go to tournaments…

    • onReload says:

      This is a good point…but I was under the impression a part of Capcom had seen Balrog: Behind the Glory, and so I would think that was the first thing they did…maybe they didn’t want to feel sheepish asking for it.

  2. Maj says:

    Seth was kind enough to meet with Greg and Brett the day after Evo2k11, and we talked about some potential collaborations. He said he’d follow up with Capcom’s marketing department to see if they could fund anything, but they never got back to us with anything substantial. After waiting for months with no word, Greg decided to try the indiegogo route, and you guys know how that went.

    I trust that Seth did everything in his power to help make this happen. But the money for this sort of thing comes from marketing budgets, and it seems that Capcom’s marketing department is kind of a strange, secluded entity that’s hard to reach. Not too surprising in all honesty, but i have to admit that it was a little disappointing nonetheless.

  3. CPS2 says:

    I heard about this recently… various companies are funding creative projects, the budgets are often in the hundreds of thousands of dollars.

  4. Maj says:

    I’m pretty sure Greg and Brett looked into indiegogo vs kickstarter, but it’s essentially the same concept with different terms. It still would’ve come down to whether or not the FGC wanted to support a Vega sequel to Balrog: Behind the Glory, so i don’t think the result would’ve been any different. I appreciate the suggestion though.

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