Super Street Fighter IV HMV by desk

Looks like desk has a new Super Street Fighter IV combo video for us, once again with direct footage of him performing every clip in real time. (Does ‘HMV’ stand for Hands Music Video?)

SSF4 El Fuerte RSF variants at 0:27 and 1:14, Sakura cross-handed craziness at 2:02, and more one-handed hijinks starting from 2:21

combos and editing by desk

soundtrack: Project Dolphin – Hiro Zone

released today, September 12th, 2010

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5 Responses to Super Street Fighter IV HMV by desk

  1. ShaXan says:

    WTF@desk’s godly execution@2:33

  2. ShaXan says:


    jesus, I don’t understand how people can actually tell how many FRAMES they’ve moved or passed. It’s just to much to comprehend

  3. Snoooootch says:

    That’s really cool. The one handed stuff is nice. I’m looking forward to next week.

  4. Maj says:

    Making this the Vid of the Week for 09.06.2010!

    England dominating with a perfect record so far!

  5. Doctorcow says:

    I heard if you can do a combovid without tool assistance you get cake!

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