Comments on: CyberXkxDashX Personal CMV Street Fighter Combos, Tutorials, Matches, Screenshots, and Strategy Guides Mon, 29 Nov 2010 08:42:25 +0000 hourly 1 By: Don Vecta Mon, 29 Nov 2010 08:42:25 +0000 In reply to onreload.

Actually you can call a striker as long you have stock and the character leaves the screen. Normally, in 2001 you’d be limited to 3 strikers at the same time to a maximum of 4 striker attack (say, striker A, then B, then C and then maybe A or B since most likely C would be still on screen) considering the maximum stock you can get by playing a single character is 4.
Now, with the infinite stock glitch you can keep releasing strikers infinitely (A > B > C > B > A > C, etc) AND also releasing DM’s and SDM’s with the three strikers on screen (taking in note that the stock bar itself it’s for both DM’s, tech rolls, counter CD’s, super cancels and striker calls) so it is possible to perform a combo, call a striker with slow start up, perform a SDM that takes 2 stocks, getting it interrupted by the first striker attack, use another striker to cause OTG, continue the combo with super canceling and SDM and call strikers, etc. etc. The possibilities are thousands!

In 2000 you only can get 3 striker calls (+1 for every character you lose from your team to a maximum of 5) and once per character. However, you can perform emergency striker with the dummy character to cause interruptions and crazy stuff. 2000 it’s slightly more… hmmm how to say it? “fair” in the usage of strikers and DM/SDM’s (both bars are independent from each other and SDM’s can be performed by using the 3 stocks. Striker calls can be replenished by taunting the opponent with start and using one DM stock in exchange, however, at difference of past KOF’s, you canot interrupt the taunt animation therefore you’re open for a combo if not done safely.

IMO, both 2000 and 2001 are quite flexible to perform more creative combos due of the limitless possibilities and combinations you can create with yor teams and strikers. :P

By: Kamui0101 Thu, 25 Nov 2010 23:17:10 +0000 I really like KOF2000 combos, they always look like someone is getting jumped.

This is pretty nuts though. It’s much less a combo video and more a mosh pit.

By: onreload Thu, 25 Nov 2010 06:46:08 +0000 Yeah the broken super meter thing is what really makes it insane…I think I need to find 2k1 videos made before that glitch was discovered to start understanding this stuff. Since it’s a glitch, is there any limit on striker times (like waiting for the “ASSIST OK” in the vs. series) or do they simply have to exit the screen?

Also, is it common at all to call strikers just to make things even crazier? I know that activating an SDM right before K.O. is just to be flashy, but is every striker necessary?

By: Don Vecta Wed, 24 Nov 2010 05:53:16 +0000 In reply to onreload.

yup, some strikers cause spacing, other interrupts, other cause OTG’s, etc.

But yeah, in SNK combo making, 2001 it’s the one that helps to use more creativity for the use of myriad strikers and their conditions.

Also, the infinite stock glitch allow the makers to create 100% legit combos in arcade mode.

Perhaps was the KOF i liked least (now XII it’s the one i like least), but certainly it’s the one that brings a lot of tools for creative stuff. :)

By: onreload Tue, 23 Nov 2010 10:50:05 +0000 I have officially decided that when it comes to combo possibilities and chaotic amounts of noise/actions, Kof 2k1 = MvC2. An interesting video but I rarely have a grasp on what is doing what, which is partly SNK’s fault ’cause they let the combo counter reset at silly times…and are some of the strikers from the opposing team? are they there for spacing, entertainment, interrupts?

By: Raging Hawk Tue, 23 Nov 2010 10:25:04 +0000 Hey Vecta, don’t forget, that Lloyd is also still young. Alright, now he is 18, but for me still a young combo maker!

Anyway, pretty good stuff from CyberX, but the mix between Death and normal Metal Vocals was a bit weird!

By: Don Vecta Mon, 22 Nov 2010 17:48:41 +0000 In reply to kyo-boy.

Nah, not really. He had the idea some time ago before we made it a reality.

BTW, did I guys tell you CyberX has only 16 years old? :P I guess he’s the youngest maker/editor I’ve ever worked with before.

By: kyo-boy Mon, 22 Nov 2010 13:55:26 +0000 Kof2k1 thematic team combos, huh?

I wonder if he wasn’t obviously inspired by my 4-part series of combos with that same motif, like this one:

Granted, these two are 100% damage, but oh well…

By: Bob Sagat Mon, 22 Nov 2010 12:46:45 +0000 I actually have less problems following Marvel combovids/matches than I do KOF vids. It was cool though.
