Please Welcome to the Stage …

Ladies and gentlemen of the interweb establishment, please give a warm welcome to …

    Dammit, Don Vecta, error1, and Keiko!

These talented individuals have gracefully volunteered to contribute unique content to these humble digital pages of ComboVid. Keep an eye out for articles and other special features produced by them in the coming weeks. If you’re not already familiar with their names, don’t worry – it won’t take long for them to impress you the way they’ve impressed me.


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6 Responses to Please Welcome to the Stage …

  1. n00b_saib0t says:

    Awesome, I like the way this site seems to be pulling some of the scenes most talented comboists together.

  2. chicobo329 says:

    You get cool points for having a staff member named ‘Dammit’! All seriousness that’s a great group of guys to recruit! I look forward to all their content.

  3. Snoooootch says:

    we are so monosyllabic. hahaha

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