MatchVid of the Day: FilipinoChamp vs ChoiBoy (SSF4)

The only reason i’m posting this match is because of the awesome full-screen Sagat Tiger Cannon ultra juggle setup in the second round. Also the clapping.

players: FilipinoChamp (Dhalsim-U1) vs ChoiBoy (Sagat-U2)

From now on, the proper use of ultrafreeze shall be furious mashing followed by loud clapping. Take note of 0:30 and tell your friends, or better yet show them. The awesome Sagat combo happens at 1:51. Sagat throws a full-screen EX low Tiger Shot which collides with Dhalsim’s Yoga Fire, freezing it briefly before it knocks Dhalsim down. Sagat follows up with a full-screen Tiger Cannon ultra to take the round. SSF4!

game: Super Street Fighter IV (Console)

venue: Casual Match

recorded on August 24th, 2010

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4 Responses to MatchVid of the Day: FilipinoChamp vs ChoiBoy (SSF4)

  1. jchensor says:

    Knowing John Choi, it was probably also done with him standing up and dancing, pumping his arms in front of his chest. I saw him do that to Yoon every time he landed a Super against him in 3rd Strike. Twas hilarious.

  2. Maj says:

    Mashing on counter-ultra is way too much fun considering how terrible an idea it usually is. But sometimes you just want to do it to see what’ll happen.

  3. Bob Sagat says:


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