Originally premiered at Evo ’07 in Las Vegas, this three-chapter compilation contains material from all major versions of SF2, along with bonus footage from SFA2 and 3S.
SF2CE Ryu vs Guile at 3:14, SNES SSF2 Fei Long vs Dhalsim at 5:35, SF2RE Guile vs Dhalsim at 10:34, SF2RE Guile vs Bison at 11:15, and SF2RE Balrog vs Dhalsim at 11:38
performed and edited by desk
additional footage provided by ToXY and Maj
Calcius Repton – AC 1.0
Shinji Hosoe – Tenkyaku Buka
CST (SFEX2+) – Digital Ignition
Kazunori Miyake (Resident Evil 2) – Special End Title
originally debuted on August 26th, 2007 at Evo2k7
bonus materials:
Vid of Dreams Trailer
Vid of Dreams: Leftovers
Was this shown on August 25th or 26th? I can’t remember, but the finals were on Sunday the 26th so that’s my guess.