Comments on: Basic Combo Video Etiquette: Release Street Fighter Combos, Tutorials, Matches, Screenshots, and Strategy Guides Mon, 20 Sep 2010 20:14:15 +0000 hourly 1 By: Maj Mon, 20 Sep 2010 20:14:15 +0000 Well, it’s up to everyone to make that decision for themselves. Transcripts aren’t mandatory, but from my experience they’re beneficial.

Personally i get annoyed whenever i see a new glitch in a combovid and the maker hides how it was performed. Truthfully, it makes me dislike the video a little bit.

So i think one of the reasons my videos have been successful is that i never hide anything and i always write transcripts as soon as i can. I mean i never enjoy writing them and they always cost me a LOT of time before i’m satisfied with them, but i’ve always felt they were valuable enough to warrant the time and effort.

By: Keiko Mon, 20 Sep 2010 10:46:12 +0000 Yeah, collective CMV’s are another different topic i think, it must be somewhat chaotic requesting the transcripts to all the combo makers involved in the video.

By: CPS2 Mon, 20 Sep 2010 10:13:23 +0000 Magnetro’s explanation videos are great, my favourite part was where he showed what was happening several screens up, where a projectile was coming down from a mile away, in Variable Atmosphere 2. With all that stuff happening off screen, it’s easy to miss, so that video is almost as important as the CMV.

By: Don Vecta Mon, 20 Sep 2010 08:38:44 +0000 Transcriptions are certainly a must if you are releasing personal CMV’s, of course it would be ideal if anyone can do it but sometimes when you are doing a collective CMV it is hard to requests these transcriptions to your combo maker (i can tell you about this when I’m producing a big collaboration video), I don’t want also to be way too exigent in demanding the transcriptions from them… unless it is a questionable combo/bug with something that looks weird but that can be done via bug(s) or glitches or conditional set up.

The biggest issue now is that now, at least in the, the individual communities (like SF, Tekken, KOF, GG, etc.) are now trying to be in a same spot, before when we release our KOF at CX the transcriptions were not a big deal since most people already had a previous knowledge about public known bugs, but now that we are going to a more general audience, many people just are completely quizzical and have no idea WTF it’s going on… to the point that some ignorant idiots claim our videos are done by hacks or with cheats.

So yeah, at least now from the videos I try to produce I should explain what’s going on in the screen so the audience can have a better understanding and clearing those myths that we use hacks or shit like that.

By: Keiko Mon, 20 Sep 2010 07:26:41 +0000 I think that writing Transcripts for a combo video is a Must.
Combo Makers have to understand that not all the viewers of your videos are precisely experts in the game, even more if it is a very flashy Tool Assisted Combo Video showing combos or Glitches under bizarre situations and setups, one should guide them through comprehensive words to realise whats going on in the vid.
This point is even more important if you’re using Glitches imo.
I always take my time on transcripting all the combos i do on my videos, it’s not so fun at all thought, but for example what Magnetro did with his last realeses are the perfect way on how the things must be done, it takes a lot of time and hard work, but the final result is very proffesional.

By: Maj Mon, 20 Sep 2010 05:31:16 +0000 Btw regarding transcripts, there’s the issue of where to put them. It’s funny, the first response that came to mind was “archive them into the download or post them on your website” because that’s what we used to do in the olden days. Of course nowadays most combo makers don’t bother with the hassle of building personal websites, since everything is released through u2b anyway.

But i still think writing transcripts is important because that’s what makes us a cohesive information-sharing community. Even if you post the entire thing as a giant comment on ComboVid after your video gets announced here, that’s still (way!) better than nothing. Hell, even checking by to answer individual questions goes a long way.
