Comments on: SSF4 Super Freeze Series Explanation by Snoooootch Street Fighter Combos, Tutorials, Matches, Screenshots, and Strategy Guides Thu, 25 Nov 2010 21:41:46 +0000 hourly 1 By: n00b_saib0t Thu, 25 Nov 2010 21:41:46 +0000 i think my favorite animations are blanka tucking up into his ball and the reeling after a dash straight into crazy buffalo. super freeze in sf4 is quite awesome, i noticed slow motion right away with balrog but i never knew about the extra added frames of animation until you and snashitloadofostch pointed it out.

By: Snoooootch Thu, 25 Nov 2010 07:41:06 +0000 Haha, I get tired of answering the same question every time I put out a new video. Thanks Maj.
