KoF One Shot Combos by HolyCross

Covering a seven-year span of King of Fighters games from 1997 through 2003, this fast-paced vid showcases “simple and 100% combos only.” It’s a lot of fun to watch from beginning to end.

KoF2k Leona acrobatic death at 0:27, KoF2k Takuma explosive death at 0:39, KoF99 Ryo/Ralf straightforward death at 0:48, KoF2k1 Yuri parody death at 2:50, and Iori team death at 2:56

if you like this video:
Head over to HolyCross’ channel and subscribe for more classic SNK combos.

combos and editing by HolyCross (of the group KCA)

soundtrack: Maximum The Hormone – What’s Up People? (Death Note Opening Theme)

originally released on August 4th, 2011

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8 Responses to KoF One Shot Combos by HolyCross

  1. Snoooootch says:

    OH Gah!! This video blew my mind! So much Damage in this series! And the music/editing went so well together!

  2. chicobo329 says:

    This is a superbly editted video and definitely a lot of fun from start to finish! This actually includes combos from KOF 1997 though, Maj. KOF 97 is perfect for this collection because it is quite a broken game int he series.

    The music choice is perfect for this video, which highlights the chaos of the combos, especially those during the NESTS saga of games which feature strikers.

  3. SofaKingAC says:

    This is just one of those perfect vids. Great combos, nice, unobtrusive editing and awesome music choice. I tip my hat to the creator.

    Favorite combo has to be Ralf/A. Iori at 2:09, just because it’s a Ralf Tackle and Galactica Phantom in the same combo.

  4. Tizoc says:

    Wait wait wait…you cancel supers into other supers in KoF 2001?

  5. SofaKingAC says:

    I think it’s only Yuri and Blue Mary that can do it, since they have supers that use the Raging Demon command.

  6. Maj says:

    Making this the Vid of the Week for 08.01.2011!

  7. Tarnish says:

    Ah, so while there aren’t any transcripts that I know of for this combo vid… the creator has been posting little mini clips of some (so far) of the combos he put in the video. Pretty cool.

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