Siedler Pompiani – ComboVid Street Fighter Combos, Tutorials, Matches, Screenshots, and Strategy Guides Sun, 15 Jan 2012 07:37:18 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Reanimation CMV by Aldevaran Sun, 15 Jan 2012 07:37:18 +0000 Continue reading ]]> It’s been a while since we’ve had an oldschool King of Fighters megavideo released. Aldevaran and Siedler Pompiani have revived the tradition with this ten-minute combovid featuring KoF96 through KoF2003, with a few guest authors providing an intermission segment.

KoF98 Kyo j.D+HP beatdown at 0:53, KoF2k1 Angel multicross circus at 3:35, KoF99 Kyo Galactica Phantom setups at 8:21, and KoF2k2 Maxima training mode counterhit exploit at 9:03

if you like this video:
Head over to Aldevaran’s channel and subscribe for more King of Fighters combos.

combos by Aldevaran, B. Mandy, Diez, Marziano, Siedler Pompiani, Imouto, and Maiden Masher

edited by Siedler Pompiani

released today, January 14th, 2011

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The End of the Line CMV by Ultracombos Fri, 15 Apr 2011 03:34:59 +0000 Continue reading ]]> Evidently this is Brazilian combo maker Maiden Masher’s farewell video. Featuring a wide variety of classic and new fighting games, it’s a pretty nice way to say goodbye to the scene.

KoF98 Saisyu quintuple super at 1:34, KoF2k1 Athena absurdity at 2:08, KoF2k2 Kula fullscreen reflect madness at 2:57, MotW Gato corner juggle at 5:05, MotW Kain bringing the pain at 6:58, and GF Tessa item arsenal clearance at 7:10

if you like this video:
Head over to Maiden Masher’s channel and subscribe, or leave a nice comment.

combos by Maiden Masher and Siedler Pompiani (of the group UltraCombos)

edited by Siedler Pompiani

download site:

released today, April 14th, 2011

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Sengoku Basara X CMV by K.T Sun, 19 Sep 2010 21:09:50 +0000 Continue reading ]]> Wow, it’s hard to believe how broken some of these combos are. It seems like anyone can do anything at any time from anywhere. It’s still fun to watch though.

SBX Chosokabe Motochika full stage zigzag infinites at 0:25 and 0:48, Toyotomi Hideyoshi full stage zigzag infinites at 1:10 and 1:34, aaand it looks that describes every combo …

combos by K.T

edited by Siedler Pompiani

alternate viewing site:

released yesterday, September 18th, 2010

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