MatchVid of the Day: Desora vs Daidouraku (CvS2)

Have you ever wanted to see R4 Raiden win a Capcom vs SNK 2 tourney? The answer is yes. Well, today is your lucky day! (Minor inconsequential detail: This “tournament” may have taken place in someone’s house. And the participants may or may not have been inebriated.) Enjoy!

players: Desora (K-Raiden-4) vs Daidouraku (A-Dan/Athena/ChunLi-2)

Look at that Ratio 4 damage at 1:18! That’s without meter against a standard health character! Nicely set up crossup too – guessing that Dan would attempt an empty jump throw. Look at the damage at 1:53!! Again a nice read/reaction after several patient Just Defends. Look at the damage at 2:33!!! He finally landed a gutsy lvl3 super. And i don’t know if it was intentional or not, but that little step forward at 2:49 may have been the difference between Chun Li’s j.D+MK stomp bouncing backward or heading into the corner. “I am Raiden!”

game: Capcom vs SNK 2 (Console)

venue: CvsS2 2008 Christmas Party Tournament in Kyoto – Final Match

recorded on December 25th, 2008

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3 Responses to MatchVid of the Day: Desora vs Daidouraku (CvS2)

  1. onreload says:

    Ahh, haven’t gotten a chance to watch it yet, but I’m glad you found this, you told me about it after I mentioned my habit of (non)championing R4 K-Gief.

  2. Maj says:

    No problem sir. It’s fun to watch Raiden normal throwing Athena for 25% damage. Haha he completely bypassed the last damage reduction band with that throw.

  3. Tizoc says:

    It saddens me that A-Dan lost ;.; The damage would’ve been less if Dan was Ratio 2 though…

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