Released today, this Tekken 6: Bloodline Rebellion video focuses on a handful of characters: Ganryu, Wang, Kazuya, Heihachi, and Bob, with a few surprise appearances included.
T6BR Wang vs Heihachi at 2:01, Kazuya side switch ground break at 2:26, Ganryu 19-hit combo vs Jack-6 at 5:02, Bob vs Bryan at 6:37, and Yoshimitsu suicide vs Marduk at 7:25
combos by metadata and Guc11
edited by Guc11
soundtrack: Pendulum – Self Vs Self
released today, September 25th, 2010
Credit to CPS2 for the tip. Some crazy stuff in this combovid for sure. They even managed to make Bob look stylish.
Bob IS stylish~! His moves are quite cool, actually. :)
Big lol to the ragequit while Jack it’s sitting on Yoshi’s ass. lol