The triumphant return of the Dogface Show was broadcast live from SoCal Regionals featuring the Three Cali Kings of Street Fighter: John Choi, Mike Watson and Alex Valle! These three oldschool legends sat down with Dogface to discuss the highs and lows of their Street Fighter career, how they met, and what the future of competitive fighting gaming looks like.
This single-part segment isn’t the full interview, but rather an introduction to get the word out there for those of you who might’ve missed it on the stream. To see the whole show, please check out the Ustream archive link below.
interviewer: Dogface
guests: ChoiBoy, watts, and CaliPower
edited by PotatoHead and Cicada
full interview:
SoCal Regionals – Dogface Show with Alex Valle, John Choi, and Mike Watson
filmed on November 7th, 2010 at SoCal Regionals
released today, November 14th, 2010
I love hearing some of the stuff they mumble…when Dogface says “…and some of them are still competing,” you can hear one of them say “…not very well?” and of course, what Mike Watson coughs when asked about ST coming back to Evo…