Premiered at Evolution 2007 and later updated for OzHadou Nationals 6, this methodical combovid focuses on Guile in the SF2 and CvS series, but contains a few surprises as well.
SF2WW Guile triple Sonic Boom at 3:02, SF2CE Guile air combo at 3:56, SF2HF Guile charge tricks at 4:49, SSF2T O.Guile whiff jabs at 6:14, SF2CE Guile vs Bison at 9:57, CvS Guile lvl8 combo at 10:50, CvS2 Guile midscreen Sonic Hurricane at 11:45, CFE Guile charge tricks at 12:33, SFTM Guile exploding Sonic Booms at 14:40, and SvCC Guile triple super at 15:20
combos and editing by Maj
83 Til – Standing Still
Red Stars Theory – Parts Per Million
Explosions In The Sky – The Moon Is Down
Christie Front Drive – Pipe
SSF2TR (GBA) – Guile Stage BGM
transcript and explanations:
download site:
originally debuted on August 26th, 2007 at Evo2k7 and September 30th, 2007 at OHN6
full set:
Evo2k7 Edition Trailer | Evo2k7 Edition | OHN6 Edition
Guile doesn’t look friendly at all in that freeze frame. Didn’t he have any friends back in World Warrior? Also Chun Li’s bracelet is huge!
this was far from the first combo vid i had seen, but it was the first one to blow my mind since BAS’s CvS2 combo vid he made forever and a day ago that was posted on GCC. its nice to see you finally uploaded it to youtube for those too lazy to download to enjoy.
That’s a pretty lucky screen shot it gave you with it zoomed in like that, but mid boom would have been better
Just out of curiosity: why did you open each game segment with an air throw?
I loved this video a lot because of some of the more obscure installments he’s been in that he can do and the Street Fighter The Movie The Game combos are really hilarious! That game must’ve been pretty darn broken.
Pure Style, bro. lol
I remember watching this a long time ago, but can’t recall how, sense I didn’t attend evo. haha… hm…
Great job anyway. Pure Gold.
Yeah at first i was like these screenshots suck, but this one isn’t bad. It’s iconic, despite lacking action.
The air throws are there to introduce each game, and because they look cool, and because having air throws was one of Guile’s trademarks since the very beginning, so it’s interesting to see them evolve. But mostly because they look cool.
This is one of my favourite combo videos ever, thanks for uploading it in HD Maj, i love to watch this video over and over again.
I think the reason the air throws work is that they engage the viewer in a way 20mins of sonic booms can’t
People naturally look for patterns and putting an air throw at the start of each segment forces you to think about what you are seeing
Giving people patterns also lets you play with there expectations. Like showing you a bunch of flash kicks and then showing a car flipping. In context the car flipping is cooler then it has any right to be.
^ and this man says he can’t edit!
That car flip is what got me into the Burnout series. I asked Daytona USA champ Shirts to get me a clip of a car flipping, but i guess it wasn’t possible in that game.
Then i asked Rush 2049 champ MrWizard to recommend a game that might let me do a Flash Kick, and he suggested Burnout: Takedown. Since then i’ve played Revenge and Paradise too. Fun series.
yeah i’m playing paradise and i’m kinda :| about it, but i have fond memories of burnout: revenge; it was the only racing game I ever got into (next to mario kart, f-zero, etc)…when i first saw this video, i wasn’t sure if you were serious or not about that being a flash kick. i was like uhh…yeah i guess that works
Hey it’s more of a Flash Kick than that ghetto flip Spider-Man does.
i dunno, those tekken characters look too lazy to even finish flipping properly
Hey Maj, need a little help if you don’t mind- The AVI file from SonicHurricane won’t work on my PS3, I guess it’s because of the combination of x264 codec in an AVI file.
In this case, I think converting it might help; I want to convert the video in an MPEG4 but with the same quality, fps and codec. What video converter would you recommend using?
Usually i use SUPER Encoder for jobs like that, but i don’t think it’s capable of exporting at 59.94 fps. You can export at 29.97fps which would basically give you u2b quality, or you can take a chance with 60fps, which i don’t recommend because it might do some weird things with the timing – but then again it might not be noticeable in real time.
Yeah i’m not really sure what program you could use for 59.94 fps. Sorry sir, i don’t know much about editing/encoding software beyond what i need to get done.
lol, no problems mate, I’ll just try my luck.
I’ll prob. send an e-mail to sony to have it support x264 codec, since that’s the codec that blurays seem to use @_@
Anyways godly timeless vid as always, I look forward to this EVO’s vid from you ;3
Good luck with Sony. I didn’t know they were open to suggestions like that.